Friday, July 5, 2013

12th Official Site

Plains, GA
Jimmy Carter's Peanut
This was our last stop! We're headed the 980 miles back to SA. But mom promised we'd stop at 6 -7 at the latest! 

9th, 10th, and 11th Official Stops

Brannon has slept through the last three shops! Probably because we hit the Peach Tower at 11:00pm and the Guidestones at 1:00am! The Guidestones made me realize my fast fun days are over (hope you're enjoying that Rachel:0) Guidestones were ruined for me because it was too dark to read them, my booty was too numb and my back too full of knots from hours in a car, and getting pulled over for no lights and expired registration! All that plus B. waking on and off telling me he was finished was too much! 
At least at the peanut he was just taking an on time normal nap!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

3rd Official Site

I Can't believe I missed this one! This the UCM Museum of Abita Spring, LA. The "artist" and owner is still alive and still working on his Louisiana parody art. 

This is jewels and B. with the Bassigator (you can't tell from the pic, but he's got a fish body)
I can't believe we never thought to make one of these! 

8th Official Site

Mom's gone crazy! It's 10:00 at night and we're driving down the highway listing to the tink tink tink of the hazard lights because the Casita's running lights are out, but mom doesn't want to stop. I think she's making up for the lost time we sat on the highway while she walked a mile to get gas! Anyway this is all we got of the Peach Tower from Gaffney. 

7th Official Site

Can you say "tacky"? Picture a mexican themed buc-ees. Now spread it across a whole town, add hotels, fireworks, arcades, and a giant elevator sombrero. And jewels loves it.
This place is a zoo!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Stuck in the backwoods swamp

We pulled way back into this campsite, but it must have rained a ton before wed gotten there. All the sites were too muddy to pull into. The roads were pretty muddy too and it was dark. We drove around trying to find the exit. What we thought was the exit down a tight muddy road turned out to be a dead end into a river. Mom tried to turn us around but with river on both sides we knew if we kept trying we'd fall in. I left Jules and mom to find someone who could back up a trailer or at the worst unhook and turn the trailer around. The first site I came to couldn't help. I worried I wouldn't be able to find my way back to the Casita if I walked too far, but there wasn't anyone outside of their trailers. I walked a little further and lucked out. The. Family had just pulled in and the dad said he was an expert backer upper. And he wasn't kidding. He took a few minutes to assess the situation, talked about five point turns, jackknifes, trajectories, and in no time we were turned around! He made it look so easy. 
Bad news for us though. The running lights on the trailer are out, so now we can only drive in the daylight. 
It was funny though. Mom was saying that to navigate through Charleston we'd  probably need to unhook the Casita and leave it at a Wal-Mart with a note on it. I said, Ya. The note could read "Please do not tow. We won't be back for it!" Maybe it was a stress reliever but we had a good laugh over that one!

Dinner in Savannah, GA

How cute is he!

6th Official Site

Al and Lizzy the Pink and Grey Elephant

5th Official Stop

The Fountain of Youth
We saw this yesterday. Jules And mom said we should just take a picture and move on. But I didn't think it should count because we did not drink any of the water. 
We ended up eating in old town St. Augustine, but with the Casita we drove around for a long while trying to find a spot and then we walked for a long while from that spot to the restaurant, so we ended up staying in St. Augustine At a... Are you ready for this... A HOTEL!!! Brannon slept the whole night! 
In here's where we got our water from
Brannon decided it was too hot to go any further!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

4th Official Site

We lucked out on this one. It was destroyed in Katrina and rebuilt last year. 
Brannon didn't much care for being Shark Bait
He loved the beach! 
And had to experience the saltwater! I'm glad he made it through the night because there sure were a lot of dead fish crabs and these snakes along the shore!
Our GPS first took us to Souvenir City, Sharheads cousin.

Swamp Tour and Aligator Bites

The swamp tour was not what I thought it would be. I was thinking there'd be a little more excitement. Like wed see packs of alligators the way Rescuers Down Under showed. Or we'd watch a feeding or turf war! This was very peaceful. Also from swamp people I thought it'd be dark dirty and dingy, but this swamp and bayou was beautiful! Oh and amazingly, thanks to dragonflies, there are no Mosquitos. 
This was the biggest gator we saw.
Brannon loved the gator bites!