Friday, October 24, 2014


This year we carved AND painted pumpkins for Halloween!
Mace took her responsibilities as a pumpkin painter seriously!
Look at how cute Xander is back there! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mace's Baby Dedication

This is late too! On September 20th we had Mace's baby dedication.
The excitement was too much for Mace!
Ice Cream after was a big hit!

Prostate Run

I'm a little late in posting this, but better late than never! Brannon ran his first race at Abbey's Zero Run!
And he's off!
It was a little touch and go there! At the .01 meter mark B was clutching his side and looking for someone to carry him!
But he never gave up and went home as a gold medal champ!

Brannon's 1st Roller Coaster

1st Loop
2nd Loop

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day Out With Thomas

Grampa BO took us all to Burnett to ride Thomas the Tank Engine! 
The train couldn't have gone more than 5 mph, but Brannon loved it!
After, we ate snow cones, played in the bouncy train, played with the Thomas track, bought and relentlessly blew a Thomas whistle, watched a Magician, and ate dinner in Marble Falls on the river.
It was awesome!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Road Rally Part III

We toured Santa Fe this morning. The most striking part of this town is the uniformity of the buildings. Besides the Cathedrals all the buildings are brown stucco. We saw the Georgia O'Keefe Museum, St. Francis Cathedral, and the Spiral Staircase. 
There were tons of art gallery's and this was outside the one for the guy who draws for the Simpsons, Family Guy, and Looney Tunes.
Another art gallery. I think this one sold the work of the Lion King Creator (;0)
We went in another church, but didn't take a pic. The staircase is behind us (my mom didn't have her glasses on when she took this pic!)
We ate lunch and loaded back in the RV to head to Bandelier National Monument. I liked this one as much as Carlsbad. I thought we were going to see cliffs I had no idea we were going to see ancient pueblo people who lived in the cliffs. This was an agile brave group of people. I thought the ladders were replicas of what the ancient plus low used, but Jewles and my mom think they just scaled the walls freestyle. Either way that's Really living life on the edge!
Look at Brannon's face! That's the face of a two year old who's wishing his strong DaDa was there to carry him:0)
There was another dwelling .5 a mile away that I ran ahead to see. I'm glad B didn't come. Half a mile is really far! And it was really high up there (140ft!)
Look really close and you can see one of the rails of the stairs I climbed.
Mace patiently waited it out at the bottom!
We've stopped for the night in Ruidoso and will explore the town tomorrow. Then head toward Dallas to pick up our cousins!