Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Road Rally Road Trip 2014

From San Antonio to Santa Fe (with a couple stops in between!)
We took off a little later than usual this year (5:20pm), but that's because we're not trailing the Casita! This year we rented a camper. The consensus is that we all LOVE it:0) It has it's little quirks- like that we can't get out the front door and that the passenger seat feels like you're sitting in an inferno, but being able to move around is priceless! 
We woke up in Monahan's TX to play in the sand and climb the dunes. Everyday since Brannon keeps asking if we're going to the dessert- he loved running up and down the dunes.
As we were leaving, I saw that we could have rented sand boards and sand sleds- we are so going to have to come back soon!
We have been so lucky with the weather! It has been relatively cool to nice cool everywhere we've been. There seems to always be rain in the area, yet the rain hasn't spoiled any of our fun yet!

On our way to one of the two official stops in our book we stopped at the meteor museum. I thought I had my expectations set pretty low, but they should have been set lower! If there weren't signs, I could have been looking at any section of west Texas! 
At least the pump jack was cool!

Official Stop #1 Globe Theater, Odessa, Texas. Nothing much to see or read. We just looked and left.
I'm pretty sure this is gonna be my favorite stop. Carlsbad Caverns is so mesmerizing! For Brannon and Mace it was a quiet cool place to sleep!
Selfies in a cave are a wash!
Can you spot the snake!

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