Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It's A ....

A huge thanks to Hilary, Abbey, Desiree, Jessica, Julianne, Molly, Rachel, and Sabra! They put together a really special shower! And thanks to all the people who love and support Peter, Me, Brannon, and the new baby girl (still no name)!

 Brannon especially loved "punching" the eggs to find out he is getting a sister!

There's no picture of it, but Barrett was ecstatic when  he stole all of Graminator's clothes pins at the last minute to win in the clutch (is that the right way to use that phrase!?!)

The is a before the clothes pin win shot and after the Bingo loss!
Hilary's expecting in June!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Brannon's 2nd Ball Pit Party


B got his fourth haircut today. Haircuts always make B look older and I wanted him to look young in his birthday pics, so I held off taking him to the barber. I should have held off forever! My blonde baby is now a brunette preschooler! 
Before- a cute chunky old looking two year old
After: A skinny young looking four year old

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Snow Day

B and Jammie hung out at SeaWorld and played in the snow.

Thatchie Watchie

We've been hanging out with Jewel's new puppy Thatch. Even though Thatch is WAY more low key than Gunner, I'm 98% sure we're out of the dog business after Gunner. It's a lot of work- no a better word for work is mess. 
I do like how B has to be inconvenienced by Thatch though. Thatch is giving us a lot of teachable moments! B is trying to make a break for it from Thatch on his tractor!

The ABCs of Christmas

A is for Advent. I should have numbered this backwards, but either way be loved his "punch chart".
B is for Baby Jesus. 
C is for candy cane
D is for Decorations. B and I decorated cookies. 
E is for Egg Nog. No surprise here- B loves this stuff.
F is for fruitcake. B and I made a fruitcake. We each had a bite. We didn't save it! 
G is for gingerbread men. Who knew Peter was going to be the master decorator! Must have been the years he spent in culinary arts.
H is for Hot Chocolate. B walked me through the steps of making hot chocolate. 
I is for Icecle. We're still working on this one! We need it stay cold enough so we can make an Icecle in the backyard.
J is for Jingle bell reigns. Brannon drove the sleigh while we listened to Jingle Bells.
K is for King Herod. We made two crowns one for King Herod and one for Baby Jesus. I put on a skit for B about who the real King of the Jews is.
L us for lights. Of course this was one of Bs favorites!
M is for Mistletoes.
N is for Noel. (Pic to come). 
O is for ornaments. These aren't really ornaments. I don't read closely. They're picture frames and B wasn't able to do much, so the craft was a bust. But B has been playing with ornaments since Thanksgiving so O can still be for ornaments!
P is for presents. B picked out and wrapped presents for his aunts and uncles.
His favorite part was writing the To and From labels. Then he put them under the tree.
Q is for quality time. B went with Jammie and Grandpa Bo to sing carols at a nursing home. (Hopefully pics are coming).
R is for Reindeer. B and I made reindeer food out of oatmeal (a reindeers favorite snack) and gutter (so the reindeer can see the food).
S is for Santa Clause.
T is for Tree and Tinsel
Unity. We drove in the car and saw Bs favorite thing... Christmas lights!
V is for Visitors. We delivered presents with Santa for Ef Louise. It was pretty cute. B couldn't figure out where Grandpa Bo went!
W is for Wisemen.
X's and O's.
Y is for Yule log.
Z is for zzzzzz so Santa will come!