Thursday, December 5, 2013


My mom's family came in this Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun- I love getting to hang out with my cousins! This year I did my first ever Black Thursday shopping! And it was just as crazy- no- more crazy than I thought it would be. Wal-Mart especially! We could barley move it was so crowed. Alex was super smart though. She hopped in line right when we got there. By the time the rest of us were squeezed out of the aisles, we were able to check right out. Then we went to see Frozen. Cute movie, but a little to much signing for me. Then on a whim at 11pm I decided to run into Kohls. Kohls was deceiving. The store was so much calmer than Wal-Mart that I was lulled into gathering an arm load of deals! Never mind that I had to walk around people who were sleeping or watching movies under racks of clothes or that the line stretched to the back of the store! After thirty minutes in line I'd moved 3 feet. Had it not been for a lady offering to trade a new credit card for no lines I never would have escaped the store before 3 in the morning! The next day of shopping was incredibly tame in comparison. We were even able to take Brannon. B and I were able to get one more use out of his Halloween pumpkins before we  composted them. 
Over the break B "helped" Peter extend our fence so we can make room for a play set.

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